Friday 14 February 2014


We got given a task which was to invent an idea and pitch it to one of the business teachers Alex and Yusuf We got to decide who we wanted to work with so I decided to pick Bradley because i know how both creative we are and also make a good Yusuf said we can do a commercial about any product we decided we wanted to pitch  something  simple and not difficult to talk about in the pitch.. We came up with 3 ideas and we chose the best and interesting idea which was the 5 minute horror movie idea. 

We made a checklist of things that we need to include in our pitch and we would cross it off when we have completed what we had to do. in our pitch these were the thing we were including into it :
- Camera 
- Storyboard
- Mood board 
- target audience
- focus group
- location
- equipment ( including for the film)
- how long does it take to film 
- physiologically research 
- brain diagram 
-pictures of Bradley room/ house
- fond footage films
- films festivals
we managed to complete everything in 4 days by each of us working on more than one things which was easier for the both of us we would meet up with each other to put everything together and discuss we found out and what we did. 

Story Board

Part 1 : set up  a video camera after watching paranormal activity there are shown as a sweet and touchy couple. this nice, they are watching sequel, paranormal activity 2. they watch it (finding it fun) and they go off to bed. Cameron gets very scared after watching the movies penny finds this funny. they hug tighter and Cameron asks about making a sex tape but penny laughs and tells him to go to bed. they kiss for bit then snuggle each other and sleep.  In the middle of the night, around  3 am , there is a still suspenseful look out the room. nothing happens. Cameron gets up, leaves, after same time returns.

Part 2: The following morning whilst reading, penny gets ready for work, he tells Cameron how she was scared but she like the feeling. Cameron says he was only scared when he went to go toilet. penny asks if they'll be watching another horror film. he wanted to watch a horror movie another night but penny suggested to bring home a Ouija board. Cameron puts the camera puts the camera down and tells penny she is taking it way too seriously and believing in demon stuff. he tells her that his grandma believed strongly in all this and warned her not get messed with these demon stuff. Still penny does not understand she tells Cameron that she has used a  Ouija board before but nothing happened. Cameron agrees, unaware penny is lying.

Part 3: The camera turns to show Penny and Cameron on their living room. there are candles around the room. Penny and Cameron are sits opposite each other with Ouija board between them. Penny tells Cameron not to be too scared. he puts on the brave face and begin using the board. they ask if anyone is there. nothing happens, they ask again nothing happens. they ask for the demons name, the Ouija begins moving around the board then stop. they are not getting anything out of the Ouija board so they decided to watch another movie.

Part 4: Camera cuts to penny in the bed reading a demonology book.Cameron asks what she is reading when he sees, he gets angry. Penny asks why his taking it as such a big deal. He gets into bed without saying anything to her. she continues reading. in the middle of night, during the withing hour, penny suddenly sits up in bed as is sees staring blankly at the wall, she does this until 4 , then gives a slow turn of the head look to Cameron then lays back in bed.

Part 5: there is a note on the screen stating that over the next 30 days, Cameron stopped filming after Penny asked to film a ritual. Cameron did however, took photos of Penny's face every day, as she lost her looks.Cameron told of Penny's obsession with demons documentaries and rituals about cutting yourself and giving blood to satanist the last night, during the witching hour Penny gets up out of bed and leaves the bedroom she is making allot of nose which awakens Cameron. He takes the camera and whilewalking downstairs he hears Penny scream out in pain. He sees her but the camera does not. he drops the camera. it breaks and the filming stops.

 - Complete book of witchcraft and demonically
by Eric Mapie (1996)
 price : £12
Encyclopedia of demonically by Hans Holzer
price £9.95
Demonology and devil - love 
price: £60

Cam - Cannon x floor
price : £1800
Purchased :Amazon

Samsung UE60F6300
60 inches 1080P TV
price : £12145
purchased :  Argos (102/8490)

Bed - Ottoman Dilvan Bed 
price : £ 2249.99
purchased : Argos 

[ pictures of the transformations]

Ouija board 
Films (DODS)
- OB = £21.99
purchased :Ebay 

Rooms in use :
Living room 

I went around the college asking random people what do they fear when watching a scary movie, which  help us with our horror movie idea. here are some questions and answers : 

Questions 1)
do you sleep well after watching a horror movie ? I do not go to sleep straight after watching a scary movie. 

Question 2) what scares you the most in a horror movie ?
the sounds scare me because you know by the sounds affects something bad is going to occur.
Question 3 ) what makes a scary horror film to you ?
the silence scares me the most 

Questions 4)  what do you like and dislike about scary movies?

Esther : it freaks me out 
Charles : the terrible acting 
Shabil: all the gooey stuffs 

Question 5)do you always have to see a monster, ghost etc in a scary movie to be scared?
no i do not, people getting killed scares me also when you least except something to happen scares me too

Question 6 ) what makes you jump when watching a horror movie ?
Omar : when you least except something to happen the suspense you have.

Question 7) what is your favorite horror move and why ?
the shining because is physiologically .




We were told to make an advert to promote Leyton sixth form and we got given a budget of £2000. We all came up with ideas until we stuck with the most interesting one. We went around different departments to find out what we can include in our pitch.

In our pitch we wanted to show that Leyton sixth form as a community college. Charles came up with the idea of the students playing football with the staffs to show that students can also converse with teachers not just in class but also outside class. We believe that as students having a bond with a member of staff is really important since teenagers like to feel secured.

Charles recommended that we mainly make it about football but bring other subjects into thought. We all thought that was actually an interesting idea because football is a popular sport but also, the focus of that is that its students playing football alongside with teachers from other departments showing a relationship between them.

So after we came up with a solid idea we started to look around the college taking pictures of different subjects. We visited a few different departments asking the subject teachers if it would possible to film a part of their lesson. What we wanted to focus on was showing pieces of the excellent facilities and people’s outstanding achievements.

We started off with an establishing shot of zooming into the banner of Leyton Sixth Form College. We also included pictures of students from different subjects showing their achievements. Also decided to have a voice over in the background while showing the pictures. Now we have a shot of a football session with the teachers and students of different subjects. The football still continues while the principal is being interviewed. We decided that the principal would be discussing the different subjects at Leyton sixth form and what they have to offer and the outstanding achievements and many more.

Our main focus for us was showing peoples work and the outstanding facilities would be exciting to people watching our advert. After taking a look around all the subjects we thought that we should do a focus on performing arts, Art, ICT, photography and talk in depth about care and community.


We all had to take up a role to get our advert completed on time. I was in charge of doing the research on different subjects and also putting the mood board together. Mauricia was in charge of f doing the storyboard and Sean and I helped her with the drawing and colouring in. Also Sean did some research on Care and Community.  Lastly Charles job was to put everything together on one PowerPoint while doing some videos of what we wanted for our shots.

Editing our Advert

I and my group had a group discussion which was held last Friday we decided that we were ready to start planning our shots in different departments.  We then looked at our storyboard to get an idea.  We wanted to start filming the outside of the college and make our way inside the college thought the sports department.

I and Maurcia and I went to film a science experiment which we had booked the day before. I was excited because we were going to film something interesting because the science class were doing a practical assignment. Before we started filming some of the students told me that they did not want to be recorded so maurica did a close up of the students. As they were doing the experiment.  The students were doing an experiment on ink dye and separating it into different tube.

I interviewed two students from the art department asking them questions on why they chose to study art and what they like about Leyton sixth form. Both of the students said they’ve always had a passion for art and they took it as a GSCE and really enjoyed doing. The student I interviewed first said with enthusiasm that his future plan is to become an artecta which explains why he took at as a subject. Both of the students said that they have a good relationship with the teachers which makes their department a nice place to be. As the interview that was what I was looking to hear because our advert is about teacher and student relationship and furthermore. So I was really pleased with the answers I received.

We made a few test shots on Charles phone to prevent us from using too much of the battery in the camera. His phone quality is really good because he has an iPhone and the camera on an iPhone is very clear. So instead of us using the camera we just decided to use Charles phone.

We did a long shot through the streets into the performing arts building. It was done on a wheelchair which Murcia got from the sports department. Charles was the one on the wheelchair and Sean was wheeling him through the college. We also filmed some enrichment activity that was happening in the streets.