Thursday 12 December 2013

Queen Gertrude

The Queen wants to stay in power also not loose her position in Denmark. She knows if she looses the whole lot, she would no longer have her self-importance and thrown.
This could be the cause why she married Claudius to stay in power. I furthermore assume her being alone made her have an affair with Claudius, since she needed comfort after the loss of her husband.
Gertrude is very lustful for her age; Claudius was intentionally trying to seduce her. Gertrude is also blind to a lot of things, blinded by her "love" for Claudius. Sometimes, she tries to avoid seeing the truth, even though she does see it. That is the Reason why she can't see King Hamlet's ghost.
Claudius is extremely intelligent to have an affair with the Queen straight after the king got killed since he knew at this moment in her life she’s fragile, terribly upset plus vulnerable he took advantage of how she feels and played with her intelligence to get what he wanted.

Queen Gertrude is almost like a child. Her actions don’t seem to be well planned and are sometimes shallow as she looks to delight herself. She also seems to have a tendency to use men as a form of self-fulfilment. However, interestingly enough, she also has a tendency to lie for the sake of others. For example, she tells the King that Hamlet has killed Polonius yet gives him the impression the Hamlet regrets what he has done when in fact he does not. One thing remains constant throughout the entire play and that is her loyalty and undeniable affection for her son, Hamlet. 

One thing that Shakespeare seems to do solely with Queen Gertrude’s character is fill the reader with more questions about her and her past than answers.
Gertrude is faithful to King Hamlet. Claudius cannot effect a physical adulterous relationship with her. Claudius is driven by two motive  to get the crown, and to get Gertrude. After killing King Hamlet, Claudius approaches Gertrude and she falls for his inducements and agrees to marry him. He lusts for her but she refuses him  no sex before marriage  she lives by the Christian ethic. He wants her now! he solves the problem  he marries her straight away.Gertrude’s character seems to be that she has a powerful character for self-protection and progress that leads her to rely too deeply on men. Not only does this explain her behavior it also links her thematically to Ophelia, the play’s other important female character, who is also passive and completely dependent on men.

Hamlet is very upset with me because I remarried so quickly after his fathers death to his own brother. I feel like he has gone somewhat mad and is beginning to have harsh feelings towards me and Claudius. I don't believe that I am the the cause of his madness. I love my son more than anything but it almost seems as if I could care more about impressing Claudius then tending to my own son.

Hamlet ranted to me about how he believes that I only married Claudius for the power and not out of love. He doesn't understand how anyone could remarry only two months after their husbands death, especially to his fathers own brother I know what I did was wrong and it breaks my heart to see Hamlet like this. I have ignored Hamlets feelings lately and have been very selfish. I know I only married Claudius for the throne and power. I have sinned and made my own son crazy. He is really upset with me. Polonius hit behind a curtain while Hamlet threatened me. I thought he was going to kill me so i cried out for help. Polonius cried out for help behind the curtains and hamlet thought it was his uncle so he went behind the curtain and stabbed him and he was killed. i feel very guilty that i married my dead husbands brother, But i would never tell Hamlet how i deeply feel because i know his going to use it against me since his already mad a me. Hamlet is making me look into my dark soul. Now that Hamlet has killed Polonuis, he must dispose of the boy and go off to England. King Claudius has arranged for Hamlet to run into Opehila while her father and Claduis spy to observe Hamlets actions and behavior. They are spying to determine weather it is really love that has made Hamlet gone mad. I hope that Ophelia is the reason why Hamlet behaving so badly and that her virtues will return him back to normal.

 If my character was an animal she would be a snake, since snakes are sneaky and bright. The queen is very smart because she knows what she has caused but yet still seems blameless.  She would not confess her sins even though she knows deep inside she’s in the wrong she has too pride to admit to her sneaky, wickedness, and unkind behavior.I  believe that she would also be panther as Gertrude is a powerful woman and fearless. You can see that through her dishonest, wickedness ways she somehow still has a high position. In a way I can relate to my character, I do think I am fearless when it comes to certain circumstances. I am strong person because I do know how to deal with the entire struggle I go through in my life.


Queen Gertrude would look like her majesty Elizabeth with a curly hair and a ruff that makes her look grand, A true Queen while still betraying a sex appeal in her bosom, enough to incur Claudius lust. She's a woman no longer young, dressed in pale colors that fade away the grey in her hair into ageless blond.

I compared my character to Beyoncé because she has two side of her just like my character. Beyoncé has now insisted to be known as Sasha Fierce when she performs she becomes this diva-style and in a concerted bid to build upon her iconic status .In one image, in which Beyoncé is portrayed as Sasha Fierce, she shows off her flexibility as she pulls her patent super-high heeled stiletto boots towards her head. While Beyoncé prefers the a natural  look, Sasha Fierce goes for big hair, dramatic clothing and lashing of eyeliner every time. 

Queen Gertrude Relationship With Other Characters 

Queen Gertrude relationship with Hamlet is rather tense, since he resents her for marrying her husband's brother Claudius after he murdered the King Gertrude reveals no guilt in her marriage with Claudius after the recent murder of her husband, and Hamlet begins to show signs of jealousy towards Claudius. According to Hamlet, she scarcely mourned her husband's death before marrying Claudius
Hamlet and Queen Gertrude relationship is one of the most important. His relationship with his mother defines, for the worse, his with other women. he feels betrayed by his mothers actions. He is finding it hard to trust those closest to him. reason why his relationship with Ophelia never worked out because of his trust issues and mad ways. In Act 1 scene 2, he he declares outright "frailty thy name is woman" Hamlet does this because he is confused at how his mother, who has shown his uncle so much love towards his father and then so quickly forget her love for her husband and remarry Clauduis. Hamlet is a entirely insane Hes a scared young man who is frustrated and feels betrayed by his mother. He misplaces his anger against his uncle at his mother.

Historical Reference of the Queen Gertrude

In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, Gertrude is Hamlet's mother and Queen of Denmark. Her relationship with Hamlet is slightly powerful, since he hates her for marrying her husband's brother Claudius after he murdered the King. Gertrude reveals no blame in her marriage with Claudius after the recent murder of her husband, and Hamlet begins to show signs of jealousy towards Claudius. According to Hamlet, she barely grieved her husband's death before marrying Claudius.

Gertrude is first seen in Act 1 Scene 2 as she tries to cheer Hamlet over the loss of his father, pleading him to stay at home rather than going back to school in Wittenberg. Her concern over him continues into the second act, as she sides with King Claudius in sending Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to raise the mood of her son. Furthermore, rather than ascribing Hamlet's sudden madness to Ophelia's rejection, she believes the cause to be his father, King Hamlet's death and her quick marriage to Claudius:

Other characters' opinions of the Queen are mainly negative. When the Ghost of her previous husband appears to Hamlet, he describes her as a "seeming honest queen", but she orders Hamlet not to confront her about it and leave her judgement to heaven. Though, he also expresses that his love for her was generous. He sees her as an example of the weakness of women.


Many actresses have portrayed Gertrude in the numerous film versions of the play. They include Eileen Herlie, Julie Christie, Glenn Close, and Diane Venora.

The queen is a difficult character and the audience's understanding of her should go further than an initial reaction. She seems to be very unimportant, and she never seems able to fully be herself. At times, she is told exactly what to say in certain situations, It is unfortunate that the queen obliges with these requests to interrogate Hamlet, but it is only because she does not know the full situation and only wants to help her son get better mentally. Gertrude is genuinely concerned for Hamlet and she would do anything to help her son, even though what she says may aggravate Hamlet the wrong way and seem patronizing.
It is difficult to pinpoint what the queen's true feelings are about a lot of things in the play. She is influenced a great deal by what other characters say, such as the previous explanation of the third Act when Polonius tells Gertrude how to speak to her son. Gertrude, in her never-ending desire to please anyone and everyone coupled with her passive personality, would never go against the king's wishes, so she would have to agree with Claudius no matter what she was really thinking. It could very well be true that she would have liked to see Hamlet get an education and then return to become king; she could also have wanted him to stay in Denmark because she thought that was best for him, or so she was told. With such a small understanding of her character, it will always remain unknown what her true feelings were.
Queen Gertrude is also a completely ignorant character in the play, which should result in pity from the audience rather than scorn for her marriage to Claudius. No matter how one feels about Queen Gertrude, one must realize that not only does Shakespeare deviously try to force pity upon the audience when she dies after accidentally drinking from the poisoned cup, but he provides more evidence that the queen is a more complex character with good intentions:  By having the queen drink from the poisoned cup, it signifies not only the end of one of the lesser-known but equally sad characters in Hamlet, but an action symbolic of the queen's personality that is found throughout the play: she would go so far as to die to ensure the well-being of someone she loved.
Queen Gertrude act as if everything is fine she does not want to show the people around her how she feels so she puts on a fearless look so no one knows what  she is dealing with inside. Also she hates feeling lonely hence why she tends to rely on others for comfort. She feels a lot secured knowing I can also relying on people other than myself. Furthermore I also lie to protect myself and others around me I am very over protective when it comes to my family.

Gertrude turns to the positive side of life and can’t bear to face pain the pain she felt after her adultery with Claudius may have been what motivated Claudius to murder her husband. When the conditions were right for her to marry her lover, she was not happy and wished for the difficulties of the past is forgotten. The only thing left to make Gertrude unhappy is hamlet refusal to forget the death of his father or to forgive her remarrying so quickly. In order for her to completely bury the past, she must convince Hamlet to accept her new marriage and forget his father’s death

Hamlet feels that Queen Gertrude is being totally fake and disingenuous he thinks she don’t care about him or his feelings that his father has died. He finds this as betrayal. The other characters views of her are very negative when the ghost appears to Hamlet; he describes her as a “seeming virtuous queen”.

Queen Gertrude loves her son unconditionally they do not actually have a tough relationship ever since the death of Hamlets father. Hamlet has been negative towards his mother which makes it difficult for Gertrude. She wants him to accept her new marriage and be happy for her instead of acting possessive, young and curious in her sex life.
Her passions are divided between her attraction to Claudius and her love her son. Hamlet tries to force her to choose between the two of them, but she seems to unable to do so. He confronts her with the truth that Claudius was indeed the murderer of her former husband. 

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